Main Games [Normal difficulty, Co-op]:
#1 (All games are lost)
00:12 ~ 00:51 [Lost by I was caught]
Another Player: Ilthuryn Torrie
01:03 ~ 03:53 [Lost by I exited the game]
Another Player: Ilthuryn Torrie (Disconnected finally)
#2 (Another player has been caught)
04:10 ~ 05:20 [Lost by AP’s caught]
Another Player: Folluin Ilizeiros (Has been caught)
#3 (Only a game that won)
05:31 ~ 08:40 [Won]
Another Player: RepinStas
#4 (All games are lost)
08:57 ~ 12:40 [Lost by AP’s caught]
Another Player: Yrathea Leoris (Has been caught)
12:50 ~ 18:05 [Lost by AP’s caught]
Another Player: Yrathea Leoris (Has been caught)
18:10 ~ 23:05 [Lost by I was caught]
Another Player: Yrathea Leoris
***Eventually I stopped up recording the video.
(I’m kind of wondering why no players are playing on Hard or Nightmare difficulty. Is it hard to play?)